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USDA / UC Davis Accession Data
The University of California has maintained a fig cultivar improvement programsince 1922. The “Conadria” and “DiRedo” cultivars were released to the industry from this program in the mid 1950s and the “Tena” cultivar was selected and released in the mid 1970s. The key to the development of hybrid fig seedlings that are persistent or of the “common” type came in 1942 when Dr. Ira Condit discovered a unique type of caprifig growing at Cordelia, California. This caprifig, thought to be a European cultivar named “Croisic,” was parthenocarpic, edible and could pass on the persistent characteristic to a portion of a seedling population developed from it. In time, through the efforts of Dr. William Storey, the Cordelia caprifig was improved through hybridization. By the late 1970s, three superior persistent caprifigs had been identified for use as pollen parents, each bearing heavy loads of fruit with green skin, white meat and amber pulp. One of the caprifigs contained genes of the Calimyrna cultivar. By the late 1980s, with additional hybridization, four new persistent caprifigs had been identified by James Doyle, each containing a varying percentage of the Calimyrna genome.(047)