Early Violet
Additional Information
USDA / UC Davis Accession Data
Chocolate brown with a high quality strawberry flesh. Very small fruits that ripen early. Very prolific; ripens 3 crops in a greenhouse. Great in pots. (002)

Leaf: subcordate to truncate; 3 lobes; shallow sinuses; margins crenate. Once very popular in the South, but Celeste replaced it long ago. Susceptible to mosaic which dwarfs fruit and leaves. (006)

Listed by John J Cole in 1867 as a small;; fruited variety with brownish red skin and red flesh of good flavor.. "Much too small to cultivate except for variety." Was grown in the 19th. century in the UK as a greenhouse variety. (Australia) (021)

(Burnley 1896) Facciola (1990) lists Early Violet - No breba crop, main crop small, turbinate to oblate-spherical, chocolate- brown skin, strawberry pulp, fair to good quality, subject to spoilage. (Australia) (060)