Additional Information
Yellow-green skin with amber pulp. Two crops. Brebas are sweet, good and of medium size. Main crop figs are smallish, but very sweet. (Italian) (001b)

Described by Guglielmi (1908), Vallese (1909, with illustrations), De Rosa (1911), Tamaro (1948), and Donno (1951b). According to Vallese, this variety is grown throughout Lecce Province for its two crops of fruit, the second maturing into early October if the weather continues favorable. De Rosa reports that caprification is practiced, but Vallese maintains that the reason growers put caprifigs in the trees is that caprified figs mature about fourteen days earlier than those that are uncaprified. Leaves of medium size, 3- to 5-lobed; terminal buds green, as described by Donno (1951a). Brebas medium, turbinate, the body gradually narrowing toward the base into a short neck; stalk short; color yellowish green; white flecks scattered; skin checking at maturity; pulp amber, sweet; quality good. Second-crop figs globular, slightly depressed at the apex; stalk short; ribs few, extending from base to apex; eye rather small, with rosy scales; skin thick; color greenish yellow; white flecks present; pulp creamy white, very sweet; seeds few, rather small. (701)