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USDA / UC Davis Accession Data
Alabama Extension horticulturists reserve judgment pending further study. (004)

A medium to large, unidentified, yellowish-green fig widely grown in the Pacific Northwest. Very sweet, good fresh, dried or preserved. Condit does not identify it as a distinct variety and considers it a synonym for Marseilles. I think it is a sport of that variety distinguished by the heavier breba (early) crop. (006)

Skin and flesh colors: Yellow-green; amber Widely adapted but best in short-season, cool-summer regions. High-quality, large and very sweet figs are excellent fresh, dried, or as preserves. (022)

Yellow-green skin with sweet, amber flesh. (036)

Figs, although generally disease resistant, many varieties of fig need more heat than provided in western Washington. Desert King, Brown Turkey, Lattarula, Neveralla, Peter's Honey are [some] early varieties that will ripen reliably. (038)

Fruit resembles Marseilles, but Mike McConkey says it give a much better breba crop. (001c)

A medium, light green fig. Two crops. Second crop is flavor rich and sweet. Adapts well to container. (936)

Described by Guglielmi (1908) as an Italian variety, much cultivated at San Vito d'Otranto, both for fresh fruit and for drying; briefly described by Ferrari (1912). The name refers to the abundance of latex or "milk" in various parts of the plant. Figs medium, oblate; skin thick, checking; color clear yellow; pulp red, very sweet; seeds numerous. (701)

Also known as the Italian Honey Fig. Green skin, honey colored flesh. Very compact habit. (345)