Additional Information
Described by Cupani (1696), Tournefort (1700), Garidel (1715), La Brousse (1774), Rozier (1805), Bernard (1787), Duhamel (1809), Lamarck (1817), Bory de Saint Vincent (1824), Couverchel (1839), Noisette (1829), Dochnahl (1855), Hogg (1866), Societe' Pomologique de France (1887), Barron (1891), and Eisen (1888, 1901). This variety, first described by Cupani as Ficus liparensis, is regarded by various authors as bearing the smallest fruit of any fig commonly grown in France. Blanquetto, which Duhamel gave as a name used in Provence, should not be confused with Blanche or Blanquette, a larger fig cultivated near Paris. The description by Lamarck is almost identical with that of Rozier; he added that the body of the fruit resembles that of a mushroom. The name Bouton du Guetre, or "button of the gaiter," is also indicative of the shape of the fruit. Hogg followed by Eisen (1901) is one of the few English authors who give an account of Lipari. If it was ever introduced into California it certainly did not become established under this name, and no records are available of any plantings. Brebas apparently none. Second-crop figs very small, 1/2 inch to nearly 3/4 inch in diameter, oblate, ribbed; eye open; color green; bloom thin; pulp pale rose; texture dry, coarse. Flavor sweet and quality good in a warm climate, according to Eisen; but Hogg reported it "not at all well flavored." (701)